Porcelain Veneers London

Invest in your smile with high-quality porcelain veneers in London.

Veneers London - The Dental Centre London

What are porcelain veneers?

If you have a cosmetic problem with the visible teeth at the front of your smile, this can be disguised with the use of dental veneers. Applying thin pieces of porcelain ceramic material can create a new surface for the affected tooth or multiple teeth, known as porcelain veneers.

These porcelain shells are crafted in a dental laboratory and matched to the colour of the patient’s teeth, so that when the dentist bonds the customised veneers to their teeth, they blend in perfectly. 

Porcelain veneers offer a versatile way to correct a variety of cosmetic dental issues, from misshapen or discoloured teeth to chipped edges or gaps. They can give you a more symmetrical, whiter smile with relatively little effort and time. 

Not only do they look just like natural teeth, but porcelain veneers are also long-lasting, ensuring that you can enjoy your new and improved smile for many years. 

So, if you’re looking for a semi-permanent solution to a flawed smile, our porcelain veneers in London could be the perfect cosmetic treatment for you.

Benefits of porcelain veneers

If you want even white teeth without resorting to more complicated dental procedures, porcelain veneers are ideal for disguising minor imperfections and restoring your confidence.

The process involves minimal filing of the natural tooth surface, as the high-quality veneers we provide at The Dental Centre are very thin, so you don’t have to worry about damage to the underlying teeth from the simple procedure. 

Once securely bonded to the real tooth below, porcelain veneers will look completely natural, matching the shade and translucency of the surrounding teeth. Though it may take a few days to get used to them, they also feel so comfortable that you’ll forget they are there.

The stain-resistant material ensures that your smile continues to look bright and beautiful for as long as possible – all you need to do is take care of them the same way you look after your natural teeth, with a daily oral hygiene routine.

When designed and fitted by experienced professionals with the latest technology, like ourselves, porcelain veneers can last for up to 10–15 years or more.

From the first consultation to creating moulds to fitting the final veneers, we make the process as smooth and efficient as we can for every single patient, so you can walk out of The Dental Centre with the smile you desire as soon as possible.

Who is suitable for porcelain veneers in London?

While veneers are one of the most widely suitable cosmetic dentistry treatments, there are some cases where you may not be a viable candidate for them, which is why you’ll need to attend a consultation with one of our dentists for an assessment of your teeth.

If you have an existing condition, such as a cavity or active gum disease, this must be treated before you will be able to undergo a cosmetic dental procedure. Similarly, if the tooth or teeth are too structurally damaged, this may require more complex restorative treatment.

We will discuss the suitable options for your teeth based on their condition, the look you want to achieve, and your budget – also considering lifestyle factors such as consuming pigmented foods and drinks or grinding your teeth, which may negatively affect porcelain veneers.

If your teeth are structurally sound and your concern is purely cosmetic, then it’s likely that you’ll be a good match for porcelain veneers treatment. They can be used to cover worn, chipped, discoloured, crooked, or misshapen teeth as needed.

Types of Porcelain Veneers

There are two primary types of porcelain ceramic veneers to choose from, which are feldspathic porcelain veneers and Emax porcelain veneers. We can provide both of these options here at The Dental Centre, depending on the patient’s preferences.

Each type has its own benefits, but they have different characteristics that could make one more suitable than the other for a particular patient’s teeth. That’s why we work closely with you to develop a treatment plan for dental veneers that meets your needs.

Feldspathic Veneers

Made from a resin containing a natural mineral called feldspar, feldspathic veneers form a glass-like ceramic material with a more translucent appearance. This makes them look extremely natural, because they imitate colour gradations very well.

Feldspathic veneers are created by hand by a skilled technician, as it requires expertise to craft the correct contours. The feldspar resin is built up by painting ultra-thin layers, which are baked in an oven to harden and produce the final porcelain veneers.

Minimal tooth reduction is needed to prepare for feldspathic veneers, preserving more of the natural tooth. This will be done before creating impressions of your teeth for the dental lab technician to use, then the final product will be bonded to your teeth once it’s ready.

While this type may not be as strong as pressed ceramic veneers, they are still more than strong enough to last several years or more while delivering an excellent cosmetic result.

Emax Veneers

A newer material used for porcelain veneers is lithium disilicate, a form of ceramic that’s also used for crowns due to its durability. These Emax veneers can achieve an appealing aesthetic, but they are more opaque than their feldspar counterparts.

They are also handmade, but through a different method. Emax veneers are created by pressing the veneer cast into the mould of the patient’s teeth, using high pressure to bond the layers together into the correct shape, which is what makes them so strong.

Emax veneers also do not require much tooth reduction – they may be slightly thinner or slightly thicker than the feldspar version, depending on the specific patient’s teeth, so they may require more or less preparation for the final veneers to be bonded.  

The material used for Emax veneers is known to be much tougher than feldspathic veneers, being more resilient against chewing forces without chipping or cracking, which is why they can often last for up to 15 years or more.

Why choose us for porcelain veneers in London

There’s no better place to go for a smile makeover with superb-quality porcelain veneers in London than The Dental Centre, where we have a team of highly experienced dentists who will be more than happy to provide the aesthetic smile you’ve always wished you could have.

With us, you can – all you need to do is book a consultation at our practice and we can discuss the best dental veneer options for your unique teeth. Even if you’re a nervous patient, we’ll do all that we can to ensure you feel at ease during every step of your journey with us.

If you are concerned about the cost of porcelain veneers in London, our prices are very reasonable,  and dental finance is often available to help patients spread the cost of cosmetic dentistry. See our private fees page for more details, or get in touch with any questions.

To enquire about our porcelain veneers or book your consultation, call us on 020 7380 0034, send an email to [email protected], or complete the contact form at the bottom of the page and you’ll hear from us soon.

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